Information about Registration
General Info Program Application & Registration Venue Hotel Social Event Slides Videos

The registration fee to the CPS Summer-School is:
- 350 euros for students,
- 500 euros for academics and people from industry.
The registration comprises lunches, coffee breaks, and a reception party.
Application Procedure and Important Dates
Attendance is limited to 80, so we will be selecting amongst the candidates.
The application procedure is as follows:
- Applicants declare their intention to apply by registering at before May 15, 2013.
The application should comprise a resume and contact information.
- The organization committee provides a response to applicants before May 20, 2013.
- Applicants proceed with online Registration and Fee payment before May 30, 2013.
Online Registration
Online Registration will be available only for selected applicants by the end of April 2013.