G-ICS Sandbox (GreEn-ER Industrial Control Systems Sandbox)

Structure d'accueil: 
Responsable pédagogique: 
Stéphane Mocanu

G-ICS Sandbox (it is pronounced Geeks Sandbox) is an industrial communication systems learning workshop and a control systems cybersecurity exploration lab.

Students we'll learn fieldbus and devicebus real-time communication networks and protocols in a "do it by yourself" learning game while testing, comparing and benchmarking control communication chains (device/controller(RTU)/supervisor).

Industrial partners will find an interoperability testing environment  for ICS/SCADA equipments.

G-ICS Sandbox was started, at a small scale, in 2013 by a GIPSA-lab initiative. The full deployment of the lab started in 2014 thanks to Persyval-lab support, a CIFRE industrial collaboration with EURO-SYSTEM and FAIRE financial support frop Grenoble-INP.

G-ICS Sandbox is part of the larger PREDIS technological showroom of ENSE3.

Fieldbus Labs

Fieldbus labs allows discovery of some industrial communication network. We have just started. Available networks are, for the instance CAN and Modbus.

Smart Grid Communications (IEC 61850)

We start deploy a small IEC 61850 network. For the moment only 1 Wago PLC, one Wago IED and 2 Beck 61850 developpement cards are available

Public concerné: 
Engeneer school students, Master students
Unités d'enseignement liées: 

ENSE3 : Control System and Information Systems department

UJF Phitem : M2 ISTRE and MISCIT students

UJF Polytech : E2I students

Phelma : SMPB department

basic computer networks
Intelligent Devices and Robots