The ITEA-2 project Diamonds (October 2010 - June 2013) awarded “EUREKA Innovation Award 2015/2016” in the category `Added Value' during the “ EUREKA Week Innovation 2016 - Smart Cities - Sustainable & Gravitational Communities” .
While attacks on numerical systems are becoming ever more complex and technical, the Diamonds project has developed methods that could significantly enhance security at design and deployment time. It developed testing methods and showed that they could be deployed in a broad spectrum of industries. The project included major companies from aeronautics, banking, defence and telecommunications.
Diamonds’ goal was to improve and promote security testing methods.
This project confronted approaches of industry and research (Model Based Testing, fuzzing, code analysis, risk analysis,…) on various case studies: distributed systems, radio and Internet protocols, banking machines…
This project also had an impact on teaching security in Grenoble at Master level, both at Ensimag (engineering school) and in SAFE a specialized master on security forensics of Université Joseph Fourier.
This project, led by Fraunhofer Fokus (Berlin), gathered 7 countries (Germany, France, Spain, Luxembourg, Finland, Norway, Austria) and 28 partners (in France: Thalès, Smartesting, Gemalto, Institut Mines Télécom and Grenoble INP).
In Grenoble, the participants were LIG (Vasco team) and Vérimag (DCS team, now PACSS).
The project theme is part of axis 2 of the SCCyPhy action-team of LabEx PERSYVAL-Lab.