[Project-Team RHUM] Matteo CIOCCA 05/27/2020 Safe and Appropriate Navigation among People for Service Robots
[Co-supervised thesis] Cong Bang HUYNH 06/27/2019 Méthodes combinatoires en mécanique statistique
[Project-Team Caserm] Xiaojie GUO 12/18/2020 Formal proofs for the analysis of real-time systems in Coq
[Co-supervised thesis] Andrei POPESCU 11/25/2019 On control approaches for estimation purposes - Application to tunneling current in MEMS
[Project-Team GeoSpec] Baptiste TREY 06/29/2020 Champ de vecteurs, complexité et diffusion
[Project-Team Caserm] Christophe PRÉVOT 11/04/2019 Analyses pour l'ordonnançabilité et la flexibilité de systèmes temps-réel
[Project-Team Caserm] Stephan PLASSART 06/16/2020 On-line optimization in dynamic real-time systems
[Project-Team DeCoRe] Anuvabh DUTT 12/17/2019 Incremental Learning for Visual Recognition
[Project-Team Persyvact2] Karina ASHURBEKOVA 12/20/2019 High-dimensional robust structure learning
[Project-Team Persyvact2] Florent PRIVE 09/05/2019 Proposing Genetic risk score based on statistical learning
[Project-Team RHUM] Omar Samir MOHAMMED 11/12/2019 Acquiring Humain Robot Interaction skills with transfer learning techniques
[Project-Team DeCoRe] Maha ELBAYAD 06/22/2020 cross-lingual image captioning using deep recurrent neural networks
[Project-Team MicroBayes] Raphaël FRISCH 11/14/2019 Conception de machines de calcul stochastiques pour l'inférence probabiliste, applications à la localisation et à la séparation de sources sonores
[Co-supervised thesis] Nachwa ABOUBAKR 06/12/2020 Observing and Modeling Human Activity
[Co-supervised thesis] Chhayarith HENG UY 06/25/2020 Apprentissage et adaptation au canal de propagation pour liens radiofréquence ultra-faible consommation dédiés aux applications à très grande autonomie
[Co-supervised thesis] Florent BOUCHARD 11/22/2018 Bilinear blind source separation of EEG recorded simultaneously on several subjects
[Co-supervised thesis] Stéphane DURAND 12/11/2018 Coupling Distributed Control and Game Theory: Application to Self-Optimizing Systems.
[Co-supervised thesis] Jocelyn MEYRON 10/16/2018 Geometric methods for the conception of components in nonimaging optics
[Co-supervised thesis] Valentin REIS 09/28/2018 When Statistical Learning and Optimization meets HPC
[Project-Team HEAVEN] Georgios CHRISTODOULIS 12/05/2019 Adaptation of a HPC runtime system to FPGA
[Project-Team e-BaCCuSS] Fairouz ZOBIRI 02/15/2019 Optimization of the sampling for event-based control and signal processing
[Project-Team Oculo Nimbus] Brice OLIVIER 06/26/2019 Joint analysis of eye-movements and EEGs using coupled hidden Markov and topic models
[Co-supervised thesis] Jérémy WAMBECKE 10/22/2018 Temporal Data Visualization in Natural Environments
[Project-Team Khronos] Dmitrii OSTROVSKII 01/11/2018 Distributed Recovery of Time-varying signals with unknown local structure
[Co-supervised thesis] Yuko SASA 01/26/2018 Intelligence from Socio-Affects of Robot
[Co-supervised thesis] CATTAN Élie 09/26/2017 Perception and compensation of the visual delay in the hand and arm motor control : Application for Human-machine interaction
[Co-supervised thesis] CAYE Kevin 12/11/2017 Matrix factorization methods for population genomics and association mapping
[Co-supervised thesis] ESPITIA HOYOS Nicolás 09/22/2017 Event-based control of networks modeled by infinite-dimensional systems
[Co-supervised thesis] MICHEL Thibaud 11/10/2017 Mobile Augmented Reality Applications for Smart Cities
[Co-supervised thesis] TSOU Chun-Hsiang 12/22/2017 Target identification using electroreception
[Project-Team Khronos] Bikash JOSHI 09/26/2017 Scalable learning algorithms for distributed collaborative filtering and large-scale multi-class classification
[Co-supervised thesis] CHEN Jing tao 01/30/2017 Biomechanical analysis of different aspects in virtual reality. Application
[Co-supervised thesis] CHIANCONE Alessandro 10/28/2016 Sequential dimension reduction via Sliced Inverse Regression
[Co-supervised thesis] DAVIET Gilles 12/15/2016 Modeling and Simulating Complex Materials subject to Frictional Contact
[Co-supervised thesis] VAUTHRIN Margaux 07/03/2017 Photoacoustic imaging
[Project-Team LBA] Armelle BAUER 11/10/2016 Living Book of Anatomy : model and user mapping
[Project-Team Galois] Vincent DESPRE 10/18/2016 Topology and Algorithms on Combinatorial Maps
[Project-Team SCCyPhy] Amrit KUMAR 10/20/2016 Security and Privacy of Hash-Based Software Applications
[Project-Team HPES] Naweiluo ZHOU 10/19/2016 Autonomic Thread Parallelism and Mapping Control for Software Transactional Memory
[Co-supervised thesis] SRIVASTAV Abhinav 02/16/2017 Multi-Objective Optimization for Resource Management in Multi-Core systems
[Co-supervised thesis] LAMARE Pierre-Olivier 09/28/2015 Modelling, Simulation and control of hyperbolic systems with switching
[Co-supervised thesis] NOORZADEH Saman 11/02/2015 Extraction de l'ECG du foetus et de ses caractéristiques grâce à la multimodalité
[Co-supervised thesis] BEREKMÉRI Mihály 11/18/2015 Distributed Control of Adaptive Cloud Services
[Co-supervised thesis] BARBULESCU Adela 11/23/2015 Virtual actors' management by interaction and mutual imitation - technological and cognitive challenges
[Co-supervised thesis] LAYAT Kevin 12/17/2015 Modeling and validation of cryptographic random generators for embedded systems