8:45: Welcome Coffee
9am: Welcome Remarks
9:30-10:30: "Deep Learning: Principles and Applications in Vision and Natural Language Processing"
Prof. Laurent Besacier, Professor, University of Grenoble Alps, GETALP group, Grenoble Computer Science Laboratory (LIG)
10:30-11am: Coffee break
11am-12am: "Evolving knowledge: different facets of Artificial Intelligence"
Dr. Jérôme Euzenat, Senior Research Scientist, Inria, mOeX team, Inria and Grenoble Computer Science Laboratory (LIG)
12pm-12:30: "My thesis in 180s" Session 1 - 10 laureates present their thesis in 3 minutes.
12:30-2pm: Lunch break
2pm-4pm: Workshops in smaller groups
4pm-4:30: Coffee break
4:30- 5pm: "My thesis in 180s" Session 2 - 10 laureates present their thesis in 3 minutes.
5pm-6pm: Wine and Cheese - Poster Session
7:30pm: Dinner in town for PhDs laureate and Speakers
8:15: Welcome Coffee
8:30-10am: Result/summary of the brainstorming work : The 4 groups finalize and present their proposals.
10am-10:15: Coffee Break
10:15-11:15: Panel on "Ethical Challenges of AI"
Prof. James Crowley, Professor, Grenoble Institute of Technology (Grenoble INP), PERVASIVE team, Grenoble Computer Science Laboratory (LIG)
11:15-12pm: Lunch