Persyvact2 is a follow-up to the Persyvact exploratory project. Our collaborative research team aims at developing cutting edge data science methodologies to analyse large biomedical data. Persyvact2 consists of about 20 researchers from GIPSAlab, LJK and TIMC-IMAG. Coming from different fields related to data science (statistics, machine learning, image and signal processing), members of Persyvact2 will analyze biomedical data generated from neuroscience, genomics, and clinical trial research. The key structures of biomedical data that Persyvact 2 will exploit consist of graph structure, repeated experiments and their intrinsic lower dimensional representation.
The aim of Persyvact2 is to perform collaborative research and to bring together researchers of different scientific fields interested by data science. Persyvact2 intends to organize scientific events and an international workshop during its lifetime. Persyvact2 seeks to enhance the international visibility of data science in Grenoble.
Keywords: Computational and theoretical statistics; multimodal and heterogeneous data; image and signal processing; spatial analysis; graphical models; mixed models; learning; structure extraction; (non)super- vised classification; detection; point processes; large scale optimization; regularisation (convex or not, differentiable or not); Bayesian analysis; multiscale analysis; markov models; latent variables models; dimension reduction; sparseness; model selection; robustness; computational neuroscience; genetics; medical imaging.
Seminars and meetings
Choiruddin A, J.-F Coeurjolly, F. Letué (2018) Convex and non-convex regularization methods for spatial point processes intensity estimation. Electronic Journal of Statistics
Prive F, H Aschard H, A Ziyatdinov, MGB Blum (2018) Efficient management and analysis of large-scale genome-wide data with two R packages: bigstatsr and bigsnpr. Bioinformatics 34:2781-2787
Capblancq T, K Luu, MGB Blum, E Bazin (2018) How to make use of ordination methods to identify local adaptation: a comparison of genome scans based on PCA and RDA. Molecular Ecology Resources
Dias-Alves T, J Mairal, MGB Blum (2018) Loter: A software package to infer local ancestry for a wide range of species. Molecular Biology and Evolution, msy 126
Bacher R, Meillier C, Chatelain F, Michel O (2017) Robust control of varying weak hyperspectral target detection with sparse non-negative representation. IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 65:3538-3550
Cubry P, Vigouroux Y, François O (2017) The empirical distribution of singletons for geographic samples of DNA sequences. Frontiers in Genetic 8
Gabriel Zebadua A, P-O Amblard, E Moisan, OJJ Michel (2017) Compressed and Quantized Correlation Estimators. IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 65:56-68
Luu K, Bazin E, Blum MGB (2017) pcadapt: an R package to perform genome scans for selection based on principal component analysis. Molecular Ecology Resources 1:67-77
Le Bihan N, F Chatelain, J Manton (2016) Isotropic Multiple Scattering Processes on Hyperspheres. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 62:5740-5752
Grenier E, Helbert C, Louvet V, Samson A, Vigneaux P (2016) Population parametrization of costly black box models using iterations between SAEM algorithm and kriging. Computational and Applied Mathematics.
Delattre M, Genon-Catalot V, Samson A (2016) Mixtures of stochastic differential equations with random effects: application to data clustering. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference.
Harlé F, F Chatelain, C Gouy-Pailler, S Achard. Bayesian Model for Multiple Change-Points Detection in Multivariate Time Series (2016) Signal Processing, IEEE Transactions Signal Processing
Ollier E, Samson A, Delavenne X, Viallon V (2016) A SAEM Algorithm for Fused Lasso Penalized Non Linear Mixed Effect Models: Application to Group Comparison in Pharmacokinetic. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis. 96:207-221.
Martins H, Caye K, Luu K, Blum MGB, François O (2016) Identifying outlier loci in admixed and in continuous populations using ancestral population differentiation statistics. Molecular Ecology 25:5029–5042
Duforet-Frebourg N, Luu K, Bazin E, Blum MGB (2016). Detecting Genomic Signatures of Natural Selection with Principal Component Analysis: Application to the 1000 Genomes Data. Molecular Biology and Evolution. 33:1082-1093
Termenon M, C Delon-Martin, A Jaillard, Achard S (2016). Reliability of graph analysis of resting state fMRI using test-retest dataset from the human connectome project. Neuroimage 142: 172–187.
Termenon M, S Achard, A Jaillard, Delon-Martin C (2016). The ”hub disruption index”, a reliable index sensitive to the brain networks reorganization. a study of the contra- lesional hemisphere in stroke. Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience 10.
Sophie Achard Gipsa-lab
Pierre-Olivier Amblard Gipsa-lab
Hacheme Ayasso Gipsa-lab
Caroline Bazzoli LJK
Michael Blum TIMC-IMAG
Jean Marc Brossier Gipsa-lab
Florent Chatelain Gipsa-lab
Laurent Condat Gipsa-lab
Michel Desvignes Gipsa-lab
Rémy Drouilhet LJK
Florence Forbes LJK
Olivier François TIMC-IMAG
Stéphane Girard LJK
Sophie Lambert TIMC-IMAG
Adeline Leclercq-Samson LJK
Frédérique Letué LJK
Julien Mairal LJK
Marie-José Martinez LJK
Olivier Michel Gipsa-lab
Nicolas Thierry-Mieg TIMC-IMAG
Laurent Zwald LJK
Michael Blum TIMC-IMAG
Adeline Leclercq-Samson LJK
Pierre-Olivier Amblard Gipsa-lab