FabEnsimag is a FabLab located at Ensimag. It works in close relationship with AIR (the FabLab from Polytech'Grenoble). Both Fablabs share several equipments and form a network with FabMSTIC (http://fabmstic.liglab.fr), the Fablab of the LIG laboratory. Within FabEnsimag, 2nd and 3rd year Ensimag students work on innovative projects on various topics: internet of things, smart objects, robots, etc. Students have access to a wide variety of devices: microcontrollers, sensors, game consoles and controllers, multimedia equipments, tablet computers, robots,… They also have access to several tools for rapid prototyping: Makerbot 3D-printer, milling machine, drill press, laser cutting machine and electronics development stations.
Associated projects and teaching units:
"FabLab et Innovation" en 2A Ensimag (environ 30 élèves par an)
"Projet Infrastructure Logicielle pour Bâtiment Intelligent" en 3A Ensimag (environ 35 étudiants par an)
"Projets de spécialité FabLab" en 2A Ensimag (environ 30 élèves par an).